Wednesday, February 27, 2013

San Francisco Opera Knows How to Make Things Easier for You

I've written before about how much better the subscription and exchange policies are at SF Opera than across the street at the Symphony. Yes, I understand that it's partly because they're handling a smaller inventory of programs and performances, but I maintain that SFS should be able to do a better job.

Now I've got another little marvel to add: because I only want to see five of next year's eight operas, I figured I would have to get a compose-your-own subscription. BUT SF Opera has an instant exchange policy for subscriptions: you get a subscription, and at the time of purchase, you can swap out 2 or 3 performances (depending on whether you have a half or full subscription) for something else. This extends to swapping opera A for opera B.

So, I can get five-opera sub and swap out Butterfly and Traviata for the operas I'd rather see. Hooray!

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